Heal the City - Partners in Hope

Heal the City - Partners in Hope image


raised towards $200,000 goal




“The King will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40.

The mission of Heal the City is to provide free quality health care for uninsured individuals. In 2019, Heal the City provided medical services to 3,351 unique patients with over 21,000 patient encounters. Available services include acute and chronic care, dental, vision, mental health, prescription medications, immunizations, a wellness program including fitness and education classes, and a program addressing food insecurity. Heal the City is changing lives every day in a positive, meaningful way.

PARTNERS IN HOPE is a group of individuals who have committed to making a annual gift of $500 to HTC. A recurring monthly gift of $41.67 or an annual gift of $500 will create a significant impact on HTC and its mission in our community.

You will receive a tangible token of our appreciation, along with the unspoken thanks of so many individuals. Also, your name will be listed on our website as one of our PARTNERS IN HOPE.

Thank you for supporting Heal the City by becoming a PARTNER IN HOPE.